Create OWLidentify Collections
  • 25 Sep 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Create OWLidentify Collections

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Article summary

OWL Software Edition Module or Feature Available In


Enterprise Plus

Enterprise Advanced

Smart City

Administrators can create collections of videos and images within the OWLapps module.  When creating a new collection, this can be done at the Organization, Department, and User level.  This will allow users to add and search only the collections they should have access to when performing the OWLidentify action.  

Steps to Create OWLidentify Collections:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Click OWLapps within the left OWL Admin menu.

  3. Click the green Create Collection button to the right of the page. This will open the Create Collection popup.

  4. Enter a unique collection Name.

  5. Select the appropriate Access Level.  If you select Department or User, you will be required to complete the associated fields.

    • Organization: These access-level collections will be available for all users within the organization. When selected, the Department field will be disabled.  

    • Department: These access-level collections will be available for all users within the selected Department.  The Users dropdown will display only those within the selected Department and will allow you to grant specific users access to the collection.

    • User: These access-level collections will be available for few users that are selected.

    • While selecting users from the User dropdown, you will be prompted to choose the access you would like to grant.  This can be Read or Write.  Select the radio button that best fits the user’s needs.

  6. Once the all fields have been entered and selected, click the green Create button.  This will create the collection and close the popup.

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